Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Eggplant Ravioli

Eggplant is incredibly versatile and one of my favorite vegetables, it is delicious hot or cold and can be marinated, stuffed, grilled, roasted, fried, baked, in casseroles, stews or on brochettes.

I always ask my wife what she wants to eat whenever it's breakfast , lunch or dinner or just something for merienda or snacks.Most of the time she tells me, whatever you can come up with. This time she wants me to make use of the ground pork we have at the fridge, and whatever we have. I found half an eggplant (this is the pear-shaped north american variety) a leftover tomato sauce, and Queso Pueblo, a tangy dry white cheese from el salvador (a very good friend and also a chef gave this to us).

An italian antipasti called involtini di melanzane (stuffed eggplant rolls) came to my mind but then i realized with the eggplant i have i wont be able to make rolls out of it, since it's diameter is to small, so i decided to just make a ravioli style eggplant filled with pork tomato sauce and topped with freshly grated queso pueblo combined with parmigiano reggiano cheese.

I also came up with honey garlic drumsticks, baked aged cheddar macaroni and steamed broccoli.

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